Description of icon
Flex UI
API Reference


This is a container for MainHeader. Can be themed with [theme.MainHeader]

Component children#

sidenav-buttonstyled(div)startA wrapper that displays the main header menu button
logostyled(img)Visible only when logoUrl is provided as prop.startContainer for the main header logo
logoimgVisible only when logoUrl is not provided as prop.startDefault Header logo if logoUrl is not provided as prop
errorui-buttonReact componentendA wrapper that displays the errors thrown in the current session
dialpad-buttonReact componentVisible when outbound calling is enabledendA button that opens the Dialpad when clicked
user-controlsReact componentendA wrapper that displays the user controls

Static Properties#


Dynamic content store


Default properties


Component Properties

  • logoUrl?: string

    Logo URL shown in the main header.

  • Badge?: ComponentBadgeProps.<MainHeaderProps>

    Set of properties for internal Badge element.

  • Badge.children?: number | function

    Children of internal Badge component.

  • isSideNavOpen?: boolean

    Whether the Sidebar is open or not.

  • isOutboundDialerOpen?: boolean

    Whether the Outbound dialer is open or not.

  • children?: DynamicContentStore.DynamicComponentChildren.<MainHeaderChildrenProps>


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