

<TaskCanvasTabs {...TaskCanvasTabs.TaskCanvasTabsProps} />

This component renders the task canvas tabs.

Component children

These below are list of children
Key Condition Type Align Description
outbound Visible only if task is pending and is an outbound call ConnectingOutboundCallCanvas Tab for outbound call tasks. Displays the `ConnectingOutboundCallCanvas` component
incoming Visible only if task is pending and is not an outbound call React component Tab for incoming voice tasks. Displays the `IncomingTaskCanvas` component. The tab label is the `TaskTabAgentIncomingLabel` template
call Visible only if task is a voice task and is not pending React component Tab for voice tasks. Displays the `CallCanvas` component
chat Visible only if task is chat task and is not pending React component Tab for chat tasks. Displays the `MessagingCanvas` component
info React component Tab for task info. Displays `TaskInfoPanel` component. The tab label is the `TaskTabAgentInfoLabel` template



# static readonly Content

Dynamic content store

Type Definitions


# TaskCanvasTabsChildrenProps

Properties of children in task canvas tabs.
Name Type Attributes Description
hasMarkdownSupport boolean <optional>
Whether markdown feature is enabled or not
selectedTabName string <optional>
Selected tab name.

# TaskCanvasTabsProps

Properties of task canvas tabs component.