

<LiveCommsBarItemActions {...LiveCommsBarItemActions.LiveCommsBarItemActionsProps} />

This is a container for LiveCommsBarItemActions.

Component children

The following table contains a list of children.
Key Condition Type Align Description
0 monitoringState is CallMonitoringStatus.monitoring React component Live Comms ActionState listener that renders a 'Return' (navigates to teams and invokes SelectTaskInSupervisor action) button
1 monitoringState is CallMonitoringStatus.monitoring React component Live Comms ActionState listener that renders a 'Stop Monitoring' (invokes StopMonitoringCall action) button
0 currentCallTask is defined React component Live Comms ActionState listener that renders a 'Return' (navigates to agents-desktop and invokes StopMonitoringCall action) button
1 Can hold a task and it is a regular call (not a conference with 3 or more participants) React component Live Comms ActionState listener that renders a 'Hold' button
1 Can unhold a task and it is a regular call (not a conference with 3 or more participants) React component Live Comms ActionState listener that renders an 'Unhold' button



# static readonly Content

Dynamic content store

Type Definitions


# LiveCommsBarItemActionsChildrenProps

Properties of LiveCommsBarItemActions.

# LiveCommsBarItemActionsProps

Properties of LiveCommsBarItemActions.
Name Type Attributes Description
actions Array.<LiveCommsBarItemActions.LiveCommsBarItemAction> Actions
children DynamicComponentChildren.<LiveCommsBarItemActions.LiveCommsBarItemActionsChildrenProps> <optional>