

<MessageBubble {...MessageBubble.MessageBubbleProps} />

This component renders a single bubble in a list of messages.

Component children

The following table contains a list of children.
Key Condition Type Align Description
header styled(div) Wrapper for message bubble header. It displays the user name and the time
body styled(div) Wrapper for the message body. Parses to markdown if markdown support is enabled
media-body Visible only when message source type is media and when file attachment is enabled React component Wrapper for media message
media-error Visible only when a media message needs to be displayed by it is not supported styled(div) Wrapper that displays a text notifying the agent media messages are not supported



# static readonly Content

Dynamic content store

Type Definitions


# MessageBubbleChildrenProps

Properties of Message bubble children.
Name Type Attributes Description
isMemberOfChannel boolean <optional>
Represents if user is a member of the channel

# MessageBubbleProps

Properties of the Message bubble
Name Type Attributes Default Description
message MessageState An object which represents a single message.
member MemberState <optional>
An object defining the properties of a remote client.
messageStyle MessagingCanvas.MessageStyle <optional>
Identifies how the message should be displayed.
useFriendlyName boolean <optional>
true An override to use the friendly name passed in member.
authorName string <optional>
A custom author name to be used.
hasMarkdownSupport boolean <optional>
If set to true, the body will be parsed as markdown.