

<MessageList />

A component representing the list of messages. Can be themed with theme.Chat.MessageList

Component children

These below are list of children
Key Condition Type Align Description
typing-indicator Visible when one or more participants are typing and the `showTypingIndicator` prop is set to `true` React component Typing indicator component. Displays `TypingIndicator` template when one participant is typing and TypingIndicatorMultiple template when multiple participants are typing
Twilio-WelcomeMessage React component Welcome message component. Displays an icon (`MessageBold`) and a welcome message text
predefinedMessage Visible is `predefinedMessage` prop is provided MessageListItem Initial message in the ChatWidget



# static readonly Content

Dynamic content store

# static readonly defaultProps

Default properties

# static readonly Item

Shortcut for MessageListItem component

# static readonly WelcomeMessage

Shortcut for WelcomeMessage component

Type Definitions

# MessageListChildrenProps

Name Type Attributes Description
channelSid string Sid of the channel
channel ChannelState.ChannelState <optional>
ChannelState object
isAppActive boolean <optional>
It sets whether the chat is active or not
memberDisplayOptions MessagingCanvas.MemberDisplayOptions Chat member display configuration
messageStyle MessagingCanvas.MessageStyle Represents the style of a message.
showTypingIndicator boolean It sets whether to display TypingIndicator component or not
showReadStatus boolean It sets whether to display the MessageReadContainer component or not
showWelcomeMessage boolean It sets whether to inject a WelcomeMessage in the message list or not
predefinedMessage PredefinedMessage <optional>
It sets whether to inject a predefined message in the message list or not
listContainerAriaProps AriaProps <optional>
ListContainer aria props