


String map to define localizable language strings


# static AcceptTaskTooltip

Tooltip used on accept task icon button

# static ActiveTasksTileTitle

Label used as title in ActiveTasksTile in QueuesView

# static AgentsByActivityTileTitle

Label used as title in AgentsByActivityTile in QueuesView

# static AgentStatusAvailable

Label to indicate "Available" agents state in QueuesView barChar

# static AgentStatusBusy

Label to indicate "Busy" agents state in QueuesView barChar

# static AgentStatusOffline

Label to indicate "Offline" agents state in QueuesView barChar

# static AgentStatusUnavailable

Label to indicate "Unavailable" agents state in QueuesView barChar

# static AnonymousParticipant

Default name for participant whose name cannot be retrieved from its attributes

# static BrowserVoiceDisabledNotification

message shown if voice SDK has been disabled

# static CallCanvasUnholdWorker

Text in call canvas to unhold worker

# static CallCanvasWorkerOnHold

Text to show on call canvas when worker is on hold

# static CallParticipantCustomerName

Text used to denote customer in call canvas

# static CallParticipantStatusConnecting

Default text to show while connecting to another agent during warm-transfer

# static CallParticipantStatusKickConfirmation

Text to show on participant when kick action needs confirmation

# static CallParticipantStatusLeft

Text to show on participant when they has left the call

# static CallParticipantStatusLive

Default text to show on participant when they are in the call

# static CallParticipantStatusOnHold

Text to show on participant when they are in the call

# static CallParticipantStatusTransferFailed

Text to show on participant when it is failed transfer

# static CancelTransferTooltip

Tooltip used on cancel transfer icon button

# static CannotChangeOtherWorkerActivity

message shown if failed to change activity for another user

# static ChatInputDisabledText

text displayed inside a disabled chat input

# static ChatOrchestrationAddToChatChannelFailed

Error text to be shown if 'AddToChatChannel' Chat Orchestration failed

# static ChatOrchestrationDeactivateChatChannelFailed

Error text to be shown if 'DeactivateChatChannel' Chat Orchestration failed

# static ChatOrchestrationLeaveChatChannelFailed

Error text to be shown if 'LeaveChatChannel' Chat Orchestration failed

# static ChatWelcomeText

chat welcome text for agent

# static ColdTransferTooltip

Tooltip used on cold transfer icon button

# static ColumnHeaderAgent

column name for "agents" column in Supervisor table in the Teams view

# static ColumnHeaderCalls

column name for "live calls" column in Supervisor table in the Teams view

# static ColumnHeaderTasks

column name for tasks different from calls in Supervisor table in the Teams view

# static ErrorPageDownloadReportButton

Error page's "Download Report" button text

# static ErrorPageDownloadReportButton

Error page's "Retry" button text

# static FlexInsightsLoginFailedNotificationAction

notification action when Flex Insights login fails

# static FlexInsightsLoginFailedNotificationTitle

notification title when Flex Insights login fails

# static HangupCallTooltip

Tooltip used on hangup call icon button

# static HoldAgentTooltip

Tooltip used on hold agent icon button

# static HoldCustomerTooltip

Tooltip used on hold customer icon button

# static IncomingCallBrowserNotificationBody

body of browser notification for incoming call

# static IncomingCallBrowserNotificationTitle

title of browser notification for incoming call

# static IncomingCallNotificationTitle

body of in app notification for incoming call

# static IncomingCallTransferBrowserNotificationTitle

title of browser notification for incoming call transfer

# static IncomingCallTransferNotificationTitle

body of in app notification for incoming call transfer

# static IncomingCallTransferQueueBrowserNotificationBody

body of browser notification for incoming call transfer from queue

# static IncomingCallTransferWorkerBrowserNotificationBody

body of browser notification for incoming call transfer from worker

# static IncomingChatBrowserNotificationBody

browser notification body for chat task

# static IncomingChatBrowserNotificationTitle

browser notification title for chat task

# static IncomingChatNotificationTitle

in app notification title for chat task

# static IncomingLineBrowserNotificationTitle

browser notification title for Line task

# static IncomingLineNotificationTitle

in app notification title for Line task

# static IncomingMessengerBrowserNotificationTitle

browser notification title for Messenger task

# static IncomingMessengerNotificationTitle

in app notification title for Messenger task

# static IncomingNotificationAccept

button title to accept incoming task from notification

# static IncomingNotificationReject

button title to reject incoming task from notification

# static IncomingSmsBrowserNotificationTitle

browser notification title for sms task

# static IncomingSmsNotificationTitle

in app notification title for sms task

# static IncomingUnregisteredTaskNotificationTitle

generic app notification for new unregistered task channel

# static IncomingWhatsAppBrowserNotificationTitle

browser notification title for WhatsApp task

# static IncomingWhatsAppNotificationTitle

in app notification title for WhatsApp task

# static InputDeviceErrorNotification

notification title when audio input device is not found or fails to initialize

# static KickAgentTooltip

Tooltip used on kick agent icon button

# static LeaveCallTooltip

Tooltip used on leave call icon button

# static LiveCommsBarHold

text in Live Comms bar button to return to hold a call

# static LiveCommsBarReturnToCall

text in Live Comms bar button to return to a call

# static LiveCommsBarStopListening

text in Live Comms bar button to return to stop monitoring a call

# static LiveCommsBarUnHold

text in Live Comms bar button to return to unhold a call

# static LiveCommsMonitoringMessage

text used in Live Comms bar when monitoring a call

# static LiveCommsMonitoringMessageMoreWorkers

text used in Live Comms bar when monitoring a call where there are multiple workers

# static LiveCommsMonitoringMessageNoWorkers

text used in Live Comms bar when monitoring a call for which we are unable to find the associated workers

# static LiveCommsOngoingCallMessage

text used in Live Comms bar when on a call

# static LoadingChatCanvas

Progress text for shown before chat is loaded

# static LoginErrorUntrustedDomain

main body of the login error for non-whitelisted domain

# static LoginErrorUntrustedDomainDetails

details of the login error for non-whitelisted domain

# static LoginLoading

Loading label in login view

# static LoginLogin

login button caption

# static LoginPassword

password label in login view

# static LoginUsername

username label in login view

# static LogOut

shown in the menu for log out item

# static LogToFileStartLoggingLabel

button label shown in Start logging dropdown

# static LogToFileStartLoggingText

html content shown in Start logging dropdown

# static LogToFileStopLoggingLabel

button label shown in Stop logging dropdown

# static LogToFileStopLoggingText

html content shown in Stop logging dropdown

# static LongestWaitTimeTileTitle

Label used as title in LongestWaitTimeTile in QueuesView

# static MessageSizeExceeded

message shown if maximum message length was exceeded

# static MicNotAvailableNotification

message shown if microphone device was not found

# static MonitorCallTooltip

Tooltip used on monitor call icon button

# static MuteCallTooltip

Tooltip used on mute call icon button

# static NoCRMConfigured

main text to be shown on the placeholder view when there is no CRM configured

# static NoCRMConfiguredAction

caption of the button on the "No CRM Configured" panel

# static NoCRMHint

small hint on the "No CRM Configured" panel

# static NoCRMTitle

header shown on the placeholder view when there is no CRM configured

# static NoOutboundCallingWhenOffline

Text shown in the outbound calling panel when user is in offline status

# static NoTasks

main text on the "No Tasks" panel

# static NoTasksHintAvailable

small hint on the "No Tasks" panel for available worker

# static NoTasksHintNotAvailable

small hint on the "No Tasks" panel for not available worker

# static NoTasksTitle

string to be shown on the placeholder view when there are no tasks for the agent

# static OutboundCallFailedNotificationAction

Title of notification action for failed outbound call

# static OutboundCallFailedNotificationTitle

Title of generic notification for failed outbound call

# static OutboundCallFailedNotificationTitleBusy

Title of notification for failed outbound call due to callee being busy

# static OutboundCallFailedNotificationTitleInvalidNumber

Title of notification for failed outbound call due to invalid phone number

# static OutboundCallFailedNotificationTitleNoAnswer

Title of notification for failed outbound call due to no answer

# static OutboundDialerPanelPhoneInputCaption

Text shown in the Outbound Dialer panel by the phone number input field

# static OutboundDialerPanelQueueSelectCaption

Text shown in the Outbound Dialer panel by the queue selector field

# static OutboundDialerPanelTitle

Outbound dialer panel title

# static OutboundErrorGeneral

Error string shown in outbound calling dialpad in case of general error

# static OutboundErrorMissingDestination

Error string shown in outbound calling dialpad in case of missing destination

# static OutboundErrorMissingQueue

Error string shown in outbound calling dialpad in case of missing queue

# static PendingReservationsOnActivityStateChangeNotification

Notification when trying to change activity to unavailable while having pending notifications

# static PendingReservationsOnLogoutNotification

Notification when trying to log out while having pending notifications

# static PredefinedChatMessageAuthorName

author name of the optional predefined messaged displayed in ChatWidget MessagingCanvas

# static PredefinedChatMessageBody

body of the optional predefined messaged displayed in ChatWidget MessagingCanvas

# static QueuesNoDataBodyForAdmin

NoData component body for QueuesView for Admin users

# static QueuesNoDataBodyForSupervisor

NoData component body for QueuesView for Supervisor users

# static QueuesNoDataHeading

NoData component heading for QueuesView

# static QueuesNoDataLinkLabelForAdmin

NoData component link label for QueuesView for Admin users

# static QueuesStatsHeaderAbandoned

Queues Stats table header: Abandoned tasks

# static QueuesStatsHeaderActiveTasks

Queues Stats table header: Active tasks

# static QueuesStatsHeaderAgentsActivity

Queues Stats table header: Agents by activity

# static QueuesStatsHeaderHandled

Queues Stats table header: Handled tasks

# static QueuesStatsHeaderLongestWait

Queues Stats table header: Longest wait time

# static QueuesStatsHeaderQueueName

Queues Stats table header: Queue name

# static QueuesStatsHeaderSLA

Queues Stats table header: SLA

# static QueuesStatsHeaderWaitingTasks

Queues Stats table header: Waiting tasks

# static QueuesStatsSubHeader30Mins

Queues Stats table sub-header: 30 mins

# static QueuesStatsSubHeaderNow

Queues Stats table sub-header: Now

# static QueuesStatsSubHeaderToday

Queues Stats table sub-header: Today

# static ReconnectingConnection

Notification text shown when UI loses internet connection

# static RejectTaskTooltip

Tooltip used on reject task icon button

# static RequestBrowserNotificationPermissions

notification requesting pemissions for browser notifications

# static RuntimeLoginErrorDomain

an error displayed in case runtime domain couldn't be resolved in the runtime login view

# static RuntimeLoginErrorSso

an error displayed in the runtime login view in case SSO isn't properly configured for the Flex project within Twilio Console

# static RuntimeLoginIsAdmin

a text prepending `RuntimeLoginWithTwilio` link in the runtime login view

# static RuntimeLoginLabel

header for the runtime login view

# static RuntimeLoginLaunch

label for the action button in the runtime login view

# static RuntimeLoginPlaceholder

placeholder for the runtime login view input field in the runtime login view

# static RuntimeLoginWithTwilio

label in the runtime login view for the link that leads to Twilio login page

# static SessionExpired

notification for an expired session

# static SetYourStatus

shown in the right top menu as a label to set your status

# static SideNavInsightsAgentsView

sidebar link that navigates to Insights Agents view

# static SideNavInsightsAnalyzeView

sidebar link that navigates to Insights Analyze view

# static SideNavInsightsDashboardsView

sidebar link that navigates to Insights Dashboards view

# static SideNavInsightsInspectionsView

sidebar link that navigates to Insights Inspections view

# static SideNavInsightsQuestionnairesView

sidebar link that navigates to Insights Questionnaires view

# static SideNavInsightsSpeechSearchesView

sidebar link that navigates to Insights Speech Searches view

# static SideNavQueuesStatsView

QueuesStats link text in sidebar

# static SideNavTaskView

left side navigation, task view link

# static SideNavTeamsView

sidebar link that navigates to Teams view

# static SupervisorTaskCanvasHeader

a header for the task card in Supervisor UI in the Teams view

# static SupervisorTaskCardHeader

first line of task details card in the Teams view

# static SupervisorTaskCompleted

default string used by "helper" when calculating detail string for task in completed state in the Teams view

# static SupervisorTaskGroupCall

Text shown in supervisor task cards for group calls

# static SupervisorTaskHeaderLine

header of the task detail view in Supervisor UI in the Teams view

# static SupervisorTaskInfoPanelContent

task-related information displayed on a task information tab in the Teams view

# static SupervisorTaskLive

default string used by "helper" when calculating detail string for task in live state in the Teams view

# static SupervisorTaskViewContentHeader

first line of inner content area of task detail view in Supervisor UI in the Teams view

# static SupervisorTaskWrapUp

default string used by "helper" when calculating detail string for task in wrapping up state in the Teams view

# static SupervisorUserCardFirstLine

first line displayed for a user card in Supervisor table in the Teams view

# static SupervisorUserCardSecondLine

second line displayed for a user card in Supervisor table in the Teams view

# static TaskAssigned

describes an assigned default generic task in task card and task list from the agent perspective

# static TaskCanceled

describes a canceled default generic task in call canvas, task canvas and task list

# static TaskCannotBeTransferredNotification

a notification displayed in case the task cannot be transferred, for example when the task state has already changed and cannot be transferred anymore.

# static TaskCompleted

describes a completed default generic task in call canvas, task canvas and task list

# static TaskExtraInfo

shown in the task list on separate section as bigger text

# static TaskFilterActive

shown in the task list filter to include only active tasks

# static TaskFilterAll

shown in the task list filter to include all tasks

# static TaskFilterWrapping

shown in the task list filter to include only tasks in wrap up state

# static TaskHeaderComplete

button caption to Complete a task in wrapup

# static TaskHeaderEndCall

button label on Task Header to end call

# static TaskHeaderEndChat

button label on Task Header to end chat and move the task to wrapup

# static TaskHeaderGroupCallAccepted

text to show on Task Header when task is conference call and is in accepted state.

# static TaskHeaderLeaveCall

button label on Task Header to leave a group call

# static TaskHeaderLine

shown in the task list on the first line

# static TaskHeaderStatusAccepted

text to show on Task Header when task (except webchat) is in accepted state.

# static TaskHeaderStatusCompleted

text to show on Task Header when task is in completed state.

# static TaskHeaderStatusPending

text to show on Task Header when task is in pending state.

# static TaskHeaderStatusWrapup

text to show on Task Header when task is in wrapup state.

# static TaskHeaderWebChatStatusAccepted

text to show on Task Header when webchat task is in accepted state.

# static TaskHeaderWrapup

button to take a task to wrapup

# static TaskInfoPanelContent

task-related information displayed on a task information tab

# static TaskLineCallDuration

describes an call duration in call canvas

# static TaskLineCallEndedTitle

shown in the title of call canvas when task is call and wrapup state

# static TaskLineCallIncomingTitle

shown in the title of incoming task canvas when task is call

# static TaskLineCallReserved

describes an incoming call in the call canvas, task canvas and task list

# static TaskLineCallTransferQueue

Description line used by tasklist item panel for call transfers made to queue

# static TaskLineCallTransferQueueDetail

Description line used by incoming call panel for call transfers made to queue

# static TaskLineCallTransferTitle

shown in the title of incoming task canvas when task is call and transfered

# static TaskLineCallTransferWorker

Description line used by tasklist item for call transfers made directly to worker

# static TaskLineCallTransferWorkerDetail

Description line used by incoming call panel for call transfers made directly to worker

# static TaskLineCallWrapup

describes a call in wrapup status in the call canvas, task canvas and task list

# static TaskLineChatAssigned

describes an assigned chat task (except webchat) and any chat task in wrapup status at the task list

# static TaskLineChatLineReserved

describes an incoming Line chat in the task canvas and task list

# static TaskLineChatMessengerReserved

describes an incoming Facebook Messenger chat in task canvas and task list

# static TaskLineChatReserved

describes an incoming chat in the task canvas and task list

# static TaskLineChatWhatsAppReserved

describes an incoming WhatsApp chat in task canvas and task list

# static TaskLineOutboundCallConnecting

Shown in the title of ConnectingOutboundCallCanvas

# static TaskLineOutboundCallDetail

Description line used by Outbound call canvas

# static TaskLineOutboundCallHeader

Label used as header in Outbound call canvas

# static TaskLineOutboundCallTitle

Label used as title in Outbound call canvas

# static TaskLineQueue

shown the queue information

# static TaskLineSmsReserved

describes an incoming SMS chat in the task canvas and task list

# static TaskLineTitle

describes title line for a task in IncomingTaskCanvas for default task channel

# static TaskLineWebChatAssigned

describes an assigned webchat task at the task list

# static TaskPending

describes a pending default generic task in call canvas, task canvas and task list

# static TaskReserved

describes an incoming default generic task in the call canvas, task canvas and task list from the agent perspective

# static TaskTabAgentIncomingLabel

tab label for incoming task

# static TaskTabAgentInfoLabel

info tab label for agent desktop view

# static TaskTabHeaderCall

header of content tab for call tasks

# static TaskTabHeaderChat

header of content tab for chat tasks

# static TaskTabHeaderLine

header of content tab for Line tasks

# static TaskTabHeaderMessenger

header of content tab for messenger tasks

# static TaskTabHeaderSMS

header of content tab for sms tasks

# static TaskTabHeaderWhatsApp

header of content tab for WhatsApp tasks

# static TaskTabSupervisorCallLabel

Call task tab label in Supervisor task canvas.

# static TaskTabSupervisorChatLabel

Chat task tab label in Supervisor task canvas.

# static TaskTabSupervisorInfoLabel

info tab label for teams view

# static TaskTabSupervisorOverviewLabel

task overview tab label

# static TaskWrapup

describes a default generic task in wrapup status in the call canvas, task canvas and task list

# static TeamFiltersApply

TeamFilters Apply label

# static TeamFiltersPanelPluralLabel

Used in TeamFilters to display the number of agents (0, 1+)

# static TeamFiltersPanelSingularLabel

Used in TeamFilters to display the number of agents (1)

# static TeamFiltersPanelTitle

Panel title

# static TeamFiltersReset

TeamFilters Reset label

# static TeamsViewClearSearchAction

Text for clear search link in teams view

# static TeamsViewClearSearchPlaceholder

Text for search input placeholder in teams view

# static TeamsViewFilterAction

Text for filter button in teams view

# static TeamsViewResultsSummaryFilterCTA

Label for summary "filter" CTA button

# static TeamsViewResultsSummaryMaxWorkersDisplayed

Text displayed when the max amount of workers is displayed - as we have a cap of 200 server-side

# static TeamsViewResultsSummaryNoWorkersDisplayed

Text displayed when no workers are displayed (0 workers)

# static TransferFailedNotification

a notification displayed in case of failed task transfer to another agent

# static UiVersionDeprecated

notification indicating that the current version of Flex is deprecated

# static UnholdAgentTooltip

Tooltip used on unhold agent icon button

# static UnholdCustomerTooltip

Tooltip used on unhold customer icon button

# static UserControlWorkerSecondLine

text to be shown on the second line of user card

# static UserLoggedOutSuccess

label shown after user logged out

# static WaitingTasksTileTitle

Label used as title in WaitingTasksTile in QueuesView

# static WarmTransferTooltip

Tooltip used on warm transfer icon button

# static WorkerCanvasDetailsHeader

header for the Worker Details section of the worker canvas in Supervisor UI in the Teams view

# static WorkerCanvasHeader

header for the worker canvas in Supervisor UI in the Teams view

# static WorkerCanvasSkillsHeader

header for the Skills section of the worker canvas in Supervisor UI in the Teams view

# static WorkerDirectoryAgentsTabLabel

label of the agents tab in the worker directory popup

# static WorkerDirectoryItemFirstLine

first line in an item of a Worker Directory

# static WorkerDirectoryItemSecondLine

second line in an item of a Worker Directory

# static WorkerDirectoryQueueItemText

displayed info about a queue item in the list of queues on the queues tab in the worker directory popup

# static WorkerDirectoryQueuesTabLabel

label of the queues tab in the worker directory popup

# static WorkerDirectorySearchPlaceholder

placeholder text for the search input

# static WorkerDirectoryTitle

title of the Worker Directory popup

# static WorkerSkillLevelInvalid

message displayed due to failed validation of a provided skill level of the worker canvas in Supervisor UI in the Teams view

# static WorkerSkillPleaseSelect

text displayed as a placeholder in the skills dropdown menu of the worker canvas in Supervisor UI in the Teams view

# static WorkerSkillsError

message indicating that saving changes to skills have failed at the worker canvas in Supervisor UI in the Teams view

# static WorkerSkillsNoSkills

message displayed in case there are no skills specified within the worker canvas in Supervisor UI in the Teams view

# static WorkerSkillsReverted

message indicated that the skills were successfully reset

# static WorkerSkillsSaved

message indicating that the skills has been successfully saved at the worker canvas in Supervisor UI in the Teams view

# static WorkerSkillsSchemaMismatch

message displayed in case skills couldn't be parsed due to schema mismatch within the worker canvas in Supervisor UI in the Teams view

# AttachFileImageTooltip Optional

Tooltip used on send media message icon button

# AttachFileInvalidSize Optional

Text show in notification when invalid file size is attached

# AttachFileInvalidType Optional

Text show in notification when invalid file type is attached

# ChatInputUserNotMemberDisabledText Optional

Text displayed when when user is not a member of the chat

# Connecting Optional

Text shown on banner when Programmable Chat is connecting

# DialpadAsteriskCaption Optional

Text shown instead of caption for asterisk in Dialpad component

# DialpadAsteriskDescription Optional

Text shown instead of description for asterisk in Dialpad component

# DialpadHashCaption Optional

Text shown instead of caption for hash in Dialpad component

# DialpadHashDescription Optional

Text shown instead of description for hash in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum0Caption Optional

Text shown instead of caption for number 0 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum0Description Optional

Text shown instead of description for number 0 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum1Caption Optional

Text shown instead of caption for number 1 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum1Description Optional

Text shown instead of description for number 1 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum2Caption Optional

Text shown instead of caption for number 2 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum2Description Optional

Text shown instead of description for number 2 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum3Caption Optional

Text shown instead of caption for number 3 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum3Description Optional

Text shown instead of description for number 3 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum4Caption Optional

Text shown instead of caption for number 4 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum4Description Optional

Text shown instead of description for number 4 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum5Caption Optional

Text shown instead of caption for number 5 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum5Description Optional

Text shown instead of description for number 5 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum6Caption Optional

Text shown instead of caption for number 6 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum6Description Optional

Text shown instead of description for number 6 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum7Caption Optional

Text shown instead of caption for number 7 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum7Description Optional

Text shown instead of description for number 7 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum8Caption Optional

Text shown instead of caption for number 8 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum8Description Optional

Text shown instead of description for number 8 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum9Caption Optional

Text shown instead of caption for number 9 in Dialpad component

# DialpadNum9Description Optional

Text shown instead of description for number 9 in Dialpad component

# Disconnected Optional

Text shown on banner when Programmable Chat is disconnected

# DownloadFileInvalidSize Optional

Text show in notification when invalid file size is downloaded

# DownloadFileInvalidType Optional

Text show in notification when invalid file type is downloaded

# DownloadFileNotParticipant Optional

Text show in notification when non member of the channel is looking to download a file

# FieldValidationInvalidEmail Optional

Text displayed when an "email" field doesn't receive a valid email

# FieldValidationRequiredField Optional

Text displayed when a required field is not filled

# FileAttachmentDropAreaSubtitle Optional

Secondary line of text of FileAttachment drop area

# FileAttachmentDropAreaTitle Optional

Main line of text of FileAttachment drop area

# FilterItemAmountSelected Optional

Text to indicate a number of items is selected in filterItem (# selected)

# FilterItemAny Optional

Text to indicate no item is selected in filterItem (any)

# FilterItemOnly Optional

Text to indicate no item is selected in filterItem (# only)

# InputPlaceHolder Optional

Text shown in the edit box when no content has been entered.

# ManageAgentsToQueueBreadCrumb Optional

Assign Agents Breadcrumb in the queue management view

# MediaMessageClickToOpen Optional

Text shown in media message bubble when it's hovered

# MediaMessageError Optional

Error shown when media message is received in chat

# MediaMessageTransferFailed Optional

Text shown in media message when the file fails to be sent

# MessageCanvasTrayButton Optional

Text shown on the button in MessageCanvasTray

# MessageCanvasTrayContent Optional

Text shown in MessageCanvasTray

# MessageCharacterCountReached Optional

Text shown when maximum character count is reached

# MessageCharacterCountStatus Optional

Text showing current and maximum character count

# MessageSendingDisabled Optional

Text shown if sending messages has been disabled

# NewChatMessageNotificationBody Optional

Text shown in the browser notification body for a new chat message

# NewChatMessageNotificationTitle Optional

Text shown in the browser notification title for a new chat message

# NotificationMessage Optional

Text shown in notification message. Custom error message denoted by {{message}}

# QueueStatsBreadCrumb Optional

Root breadcrumb of the queue management view

# Read Optional

Text below last message that has been read by other party

# Reset Optional

Text shown on reset button

# Save Optional

Text shown on save button

# SendMediaMessageInvalidSize Optional

Text show in notification when message with invalid size is sent

# SendMediaMessageInvalidType Optional

Text show in notification when message with invalid file type is sent

# SendMessageTooltip Optional

Tooltip used on send message icon button

# Today Optional

Text shown in message list to group messages from today's date

# TypingIndicator Optional

Text used for typing indicator. For example "Bob is typing"

# TypingIndicatorMultiple Optional

Text used for typing indicator, when more than 1 people are typing. For example "3 peopel are typing"

# WelcomeMessage Optional

Text shown at start of a chat

# Yesterday Optional

Text shown in message list to group messages from yesterday's date