

<Supervisor․TeamFiltersPanel {...TeamFiltersPanel.TeamFiltersPanelProps} />

SidePanel dedicated to filter WorkersDataTable in teams view

Component children

These below are list of children
Key Condition Type Align Description
filter-list React component Wrapper for filter list. Displays the header and the items of the filter list
header styled(div) Wrapper for filter list header. Displays the `Close` icon and the `TeamFiltersPanelTitle` template for the title

Type Definitions


# TeamFiltersPanelProps

Flex context interface
Name Type Description
isHidden boolean defines whether the component should be displayed or not
handleCloseClick function callback triggered on SidePanel close button
handleApplyFilters function callback triggered when applyFilter gets triggered
handleResetFilters function callback triggered when reset Filter gets triggered
filters Object list of filter or filterFactories function
isLoadingWorkers boolean whether the workers are still being loaded