

<ParticipantCanvas {...ParticipantCanvas.ParticipantCanvasProps} />

This component renders a single participant.

Component children

The following table contains a list of children.
Key Condition Type Align Description
avatar styled(div) The participant avatar while on a call. Displays `worker.attributes.image_url` prop
avatar-hover Included only if participant (from props) is on hold or connecting styled(div) Hover shown over participant avatar during an active call if participant is connecting or on hold
name styled(div) Div containing participant name
status styled(div) Div containing participant status
actions Visible only if hideActions prop is false and task was initiated by the current agent styled(div) Container for actions that can be taken on a participant


Object.<{Content: DynamicContentStore.<ParticipantCanvas.ParticipantCanvasChildrenProps>}>

# static readonly Actions

Dynamic content properties for action buttons container

# static readonly Content

Dynamic content store
Object.<{Content: DynamicContentStore.<ParticipantCanvas.ParticipantCanvasChildrenProps>}>

# static readonly ListItem

Dynamic content properties for List item

Type Definitions


# ParticipantCanvasChildrenProps

Properties of children in participant canvas.
Name Type Attributes Description
theme.ParticipantsCanvas.ParticipantCanvas Theme.ParticipantCanvasThemeProps <optional>

# ParticipantCanvasProps

Properties of participant canvas.
Name Type Attributes Description
participant ConferencesState.ConferenceParticipant Represents a single participant of a conference.
participantWidth number Represents width of the participant container.
hideActions boolean <optional>
Identifies if the participant actions are hidden.
listMode boolean <optional>
Identifies if the participant are rendered in list mode.