

<TaskCanvasTabs {...TaskCanvasTabs.TaskCanvasTabsProps} />

This component renders the task canvas tabs.

Component children

The following table contains a list of children.
Key Condition Type Align Description
outbound Visible only if task is pending and is an outbound call ConnectingOutboundCallCanvas Tab for outbound call tasks. Displays the `ConnectingOutboundCallCanvas` component
incoming Visible only if task is pending and is not an outbound call React component Tab for incoming voice tasks. Displays the `IncomingTaskCanvas` component. The tab label is the `TaskTabAgentIncomingLabel` template
call Visible only if task is a voice task and is not pending React component Tab for voice tasks. Displays the `CallCanvas` component
chat Visible only if task is chat task and is not pending React component Tab for chat tasks. Displays the `MessagingCanvas` component
info React component Tab for task info. Displays `TaskInfoPanel` component. The tab label is the `TaskTabAgentInfoLabel` template



# static readonly Content

Dynamic content store

Type Definitions


# TaskCanvasTabsChildrenProps

Properties of children in task canvas tabs.
Name Type Attributes Description
hasMarkdownSupport boolean <optional>
Whether markdown feature is enabled or not
selectedTabName string <optional>
Selected tab name.

# TaskCanvasTabsProps

Properties of task canvas tabs component.