

<WorkerSkills {...WorkerSkills.WorkerSkillsProps} />

This is a container for WorkerSkills that displays the skills section for the agent details. Can be themed with [theme.WorkerSkills]

Component children

The following table contains a list of children.
Key Condition Type Align Description
add-skills React component Add skills component. Displays a menu with the available skills, the skill level (if the skill requires a level) and a button to add the skill to selected worker
skills-container styled(div) Wrapper for worker skills. Displays a list of skills. Each skill is displayed with a `WorkerSkill` component
no-skills Visible only if worker doesn't have any skills styled(div) Wrapper for message shown when there are no skills to be shown. Displays `WorkerSkillsSchemaMismatch` or `WorkerSkillsNoSkills` template
buttons-container styled(div) Wrapper for action buttons. Displays save and reset buttons that will be enabled when making changes to worker skills
notification-container Visible only if an action has been taken (save or reset buttons have been clicked) styled(div) Wrapper for message shown when the user saves or reverts changes to the worker skills. Displays `WorkerSkillsError` template if there was an error saving the changes, `WorkerSkillsSaved` template if the changes were successfully saved or `WorkerSkillsReverted` template if the changes were reverted



# static readonly Content

Dynamic content store

# static readonly defaultProps

Default properties

Type Definitions


# WorkerSkillsChildrenProps

Properties of WorkerSkills.

# WorkerSkillsProps

Properties of WorkerSkills.
Name Type Attributes Description
theme.WorkerSkills ThemeProps <optional>
worker IWorker Worker
availableSkills Array.<AppConfig.SkillDefinition> <optional>
Available skills
onClose function <optional>
Function executed when skill is closed
children DynamicComponentChildren.<WorkerSkills.WorkerSkillsChildrenProps> <optional>