

<MainHeader {...MainHeader.MainHeaderProps} />

This is a container for MainHeader. Can be themed with [theme.MainHeader]

Component children

These below are list of children
Key Condition Type Align Description
sidenav-button styled(div) start A wrapper that displays the main header menu button
logo Visible only when logoUrl is provided as prop. styled(img) start Container for the main header logo
logo Visible only when logoUrl is not provided as prop. img start Default Header logo if logoUrl is not provided as prop
logging-button Visible when logger is enable and is of type `file` React component end A wrapper that displays the logging panel if enabled
dialpad-button Visible when outbound calling is enabled React component end A button that opens the Dialpad when clicked
mute-button React component end Mute button
user-controls React component end A wrapper that displays the user controls



# static readonly Content

Dynamic content store

# static readonly defaultProps

Default properties

Type Definitions


# MainHeaderChildrenProps

Properties of MainHeader.
Name Type Attributes Description
incomingTasks boolean <optional>
Deprecated - Whether there are any incoming tasks or not.
isLiveVoiceConnection boolean <optional>
Whether there is a live voice connection.
Badge Badge.BadgeProps <optional>
Set of properties for internal Badge element.

# MainHeaderProps

Properties of MainHeader.
Name Type Attributes Description
logoUrl string <optional>
Logo URL shown in the main header.
Badge ComponentBadgeProps.<MainHeader.MainHeaderProps> <optional>
Set of properties for internal Badge element.
children number | function <optional>
Children of internal Badge component.
isSideNavOpen boolean <optional>
Whether the Sidebar is open or not.
children DynamicComponentChildren.<MainHeader.MainHeaderChildrenProps> <optional>