

<MessageListItem {...MessageListItemProps} />

Represents a single message in a message list. Can be themed with theme.Chat.MessageListItem

Component children

These below are list of children
Key Condition Type Align Description
content div Wrapper for message content. Displays the avatar of the author and the message in a `MessageBubble` component
media-transfer-error Visible if `message.error` prop is `true` styled(div) Wrapper for message shown when message failed to be sent. Displays a `AlertSmall` icon and `MediaMessageTransferFailed` template
read-status styled(div) Wrapper for read status. Displays `Read` template and `Read` icon



# static readonly Bubble

Shortcut for MessageBubble component

# static readonly Content

Dynamic content store

Type Definitions

# MessageListItemProps

A object properties representing a message in message list.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
message ChatState.MessageState An object which represents a single message.
showReadStatus boolean <optional>
Should show read status.
messageStyle MessagingCanvas.MessageStyle <optional>
Identifies how the message should be displayed.
useFriendlyName boolean <optional>
true An override to use the friendly name passed in member.
authorName string <optional>
A custom author name to be used.
avatarUrl string <optional>
Url to the avatar of the author.
hasMarkdownSupport boolean <optional>
Whether Markdown feature is enabled or not
member object <optional>
Object containing a pre-defined author name
friendlyName string Predefined author name.