

<MessagingCanvas {...MessagingCanvas.MessagingCanvasProps} />

A container which holds MessageInput and MessageList Can be themed with theme.Chat.MessagingCanvas

Component children

These below are list of children
Key Condition Type Align Description
list MessageList Message list. Displays the `MessageList` component
input MessageInput Message input. Displays the `MessageInput` component
tray Visible only if `showTrayOnInactive` prop is true and the channel is inactive MessageCanvasTray Message canvas tray. Displays the `MessageCanvasTray` component for webchat



# static readonly Content

Dynamic content store

# static readonly defaultProps

Default properties

# static readonly Input

Shortcut for MessageInput component

# static readonly MessageList

Shortcut for MessageList component

Type Definitions

# AvatarCallback(identity) → {String}

Callback to return URL to the avatar image for message sender/user.
Name Type Description
identity String Identity of a user
URL to the avatar image

# MemberDisplayOptions

Chat member display configuration
Name Type Attributes Description
yourDefaultName String <optional>
Default string shown for local user's name
theirDefaultName String <optional>
Default string shown for remote user's name
yourFriendlyNameOverride Boolean <optional>
Should the user's friendly name be displayed as name for this user's messages?
theirFriendlyNameOverride Boolean <optional>
Should the user's friendly name be displayed as name for this other user's messages?
"Rounded" | "Squared" | "Minimal" | "Wide"

# MessageStyle

Represents the style of a message.

# MessagingCanvasChildrenProps

Name Type Attributes Description
channel ChatChannelState.ChannelState <optional>
charLimit number <optional>

# MessagingCanvasProps

An object properties representing the MessagingCanvas
Name Type Attributes Description
sid string A unique identifier of the message.
inputDisabledReason string <optional>
A reason on why the input element is disabled.
avatarCallback MessagingCanvas.AvatarCallback <optional>
A handler to request for avatar.
memberDisplayOptions MessagingCanvas.MemberDisplayOptions <optional>
Chat member display configuration.
messageStyle MessagingCanvas.MessageStyle <optional>
Identifies how the message should be displayed.
showTypingIndicator boolean <optional>
Should the typing indicator be shown.
showReadStatus boolean <optional>
Should the read status be shown.
showTrayOnInactive boolean <optional>
Should MessageTray to be shown when channel is inactive.
showWelcomeMessage boolean <optional>
Should a welcome message to be shown.
welcomeMessageText Template.CompiledTemplate <optional>
string representing the welcome message.
charLimit number <optional>
Identifies character limit for a single message.
predefinedMessage MessagingCanvas.PredefinedMessage <optional>
Defines the predefined, introductory message to be shown to a customer.
autoInitChannel MessagingCanvas.autoInitChannel <optional>
Should the component automatically initialize chat channel if not initialized already.
hasMarkdownSupport boolean <optional>
If set to true, messages bodies will be parsed as markdown.

# PredefinedMessage

An object properties representing the PredefinedMessage
Name Type Description
body string content of the message
authorName string name of the author
isFromMe boolean whether it appears as message from the current user or not.