

<Supervisor․TaskCard {...TaskCard.TaskCardProps} />

This is a container for TaskCard. Can be themed with [theme.TaskCard]

Component children

These below are list of children
Key Condition Type Align Description
icon styled(div) Wrapper for TaskCard icon
content styled(div) Wrapper for TaskCard content. Displays firstLine and secondLine from props or, if not provided, first line and second line templates from task channel definition

Type Definitions


# TaskCardChildrenProps

Properties of TaskCard.

# TaskCardProps

Properties of TaskCardProps.
Name Type Attributes Description
icon string | React.ReactNode <optional>
Task Card icon.
firstLine React.ReactChild <optional>
Task Card first line.
secondLine React.ReactChild <optional>
Task Card second line.
onClick function <optional>
Callback called when task is selected.
highlighted boolean <optional>
Whether the task card is highlighted or no.
selected boolean <optional>
Whether the task card is selected or no.
children DynamicComponentChildren.<TaskCard.TaskCardChildrenProps> <optional>